A small percentage of offenders will not appear under map search results due to being registered as homeless or registered as living out of state, but working in Idaho. Please refer back to name, city, county or zip searches to find these offenders.
Locate sex offenders in an area surrounding a specified address.
Note: Every effort is made to provide a mapped location for all sex offenders. The system attempts to map a sex offender's address in the following order; street address, city and state. The icons on the displayed maps may not be the actual physical location of the sex offenders but are provided to indicate the general proximity of sex offenders in relation to the input address. Your address may not map if your address is relatively new or your local government has not updated Census Bureau files.
The mapping functionality of this site requires that you have javascript enabled on your machine.
The information in the Idaho sex offender registry is provided only for the purpose of protecting the public. It is not to be used for the purpose of harassing or intimidating anyone. A person who uses registry information to commit a criminal act against another person is subject to arrest and prosecution under sections 18-8326 or 18-8413, Idaho Code.
This inquiry may not be used for any commercial purpose or for compiling a telephone or mailing list. Idaho Code 74-120.